Proof Logic v11 with coroutines

Source code : pl-v11.c schedule.h schedule.c

Compilation :

cc -g -fno-stack-protector -DSIDES -o pl-v11 pl-v11.c schedule.c


Coroutines permit to run something like parallel processes, but in one process concerning the operating system. Coroutines are like functions that, after returning, may continue from the return point. Here is an example of coroutines in C under Linux :

/* coroutines */
/* build : cc -fno-stack-protector -o coroutines_std_long coroutines_std_long.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

typedef struct coroutine { jmp_buf *caller; jmp_buf *called; } *coroutine;

// int stack[10000];

char *jmpval;

int *getsp ()
int *a;
	a = (int *)&a;
	a += 3;
	return a;

int call_with_stack (int *stack, int (*f)(), int x)
int *sp;
	sp = getsp();
		int buf[sp-stack];
		return (*f) (x);

char *start (coroutine cr, char *(*actions) (), char *intro, int *stack)
int result;
int *sp;
	result = setjmp (*(cr->caller));
	if (result == 0)
		// _SP = (int *)123; _SP = stack; _SP = (int *)456;
		sp = getsp();
			int buf[sp-stack];
			return (*actions) (cr, intro);
	else return jmpval;

char *cont (coroutine cr, char *param)
int result;
	result = setjmp (*(cr->caller));
	if (result == 0) 
		jmpval = param;
		longjmp (*(cr->called), 1);
	else return jmpval;

char *coroutine_actions (coroutine me, char *intro)
struct coroutine you[1];
char *answer;
	you->caller = me->called;
	you->called = me->caller;
	printf ("First got %s from Main\n", intro);
	answer = cont (you, "Fine Main, and you ?");
	printf ("Then got %s from Main\n", answer);
	answer = cont (you, "Nice day, isn't it ?");
	return "That's all !\n";

int main ()
jmp_buf my_env, your_env;
struct coroutine cr[1];
char *answer;
#define STACK_SIZE 1000
int stack[STACK_SIZE];
	cr->caller = &my_env;
	cr->called = &your_env;
	answer = start (cr, coroutine_actions, "Hello Coroutine, how are you ?", stack+STACK_SIZE);
	printf ("First got %s from Coroutine\n", answer);
	answer = cont (cr, "And what else ?");
	printf ("Then got %s from Coroutine\n", answer);
Running this program gives the following output :
First got Hello Coroutine, how are you ? from Main
First got Fine Main, and you ? from Coroutine
Then got And what else ? from Main
Then got Nice day, isn't it ? from Coroutine


The scheduler successively gives the control to the different coroutines of the program. In these coroutines, different functions can be used which can create coroutines or give control to other coroutines. In Proof Logic, we will principally use the functions alt and end. alt(cr,a,b) (where cr is a coroutine) first yields a, and when end(cr) is called, it backtracks returning b. Here is an example of a program using the scheduler with alt and end functions :

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "schedule.h"

void *maincr (void *p, struct coroutine *c1)
struct coroutine calling[1];
long x;
	memcpy (calling, c1, sizeof(calling));

	x = (long) alt (calling, (void *)111, (void *)222);
	printf ("x = %ld\n", x);	
	end (calling);

void main ()
int stack [8000];
void *maincr ();
struct param_scheduler p;
	p.stack_size = sizeof(stack)-STACK_BOTTOM*sizeof(int);
	scheduler (maincr, &p, stack, p.stack_size, 0);

Here is the output of this program :

x = 111
x = 222

No more result

Coroutines in Proof Logic

Here is how coroutines are introduced in the Proof Logic code :

struct coroutine calling[1];

int use_coroutines;

int pof () {
	if (!use_coroutines) 
		return 1;
	if (alt(calling, (void *)1, (void *)0)) {
		return 1;
	} else {
		return 0;


void *maincr (void *p, struct coroutine *c1)

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int stack [800000];
void *maincr ();
struct param_scheduler p;
	init_args(argc, argv);
	p.stack_size = sizeof(stack)-STACK_BOTTOM*sizeof(int);
	if (use_coroutines) {
		scheduler (maincr, &p, stack, p.stack_size, 0);
	} else {
		maincr(NULL, NULL);

With the following code, we can first run the first code, and after executing end(calling), backtrack to run the second code :
	if (pof()) {
		// first code
	} else {
		// second code

New options

The following options have been added to Proof Logic v11 :

New operators

The following operators have been added to Proof Logic v11 :

Special symbol

The symbol END has a special effect : it backtracks when its conclusion is computed.


The effect of the operator ";" is modified : when it does not match, x ; y backtracks instead of proving that x ; y equals x ; y.


$ rlwrap ./pl-v11 -a
Welcome to Proof Logic !
Type a proof ended by ".", and type just "." to quit.

? a = b | c = d.

The proof  : (a = b) | (c = d)
reduces to : (a = b) | (c = d)
and proves : a
equals     : b

? END.

The proof  : (a = b) | (c = d)
reduces to : (a = b) | (c = d)
and proves : c
equals     : d

? END.

No more result
$ rlwrap ./pl-v11 -a
Welcome to Proof Logic !
Type a proof ended by ".", and type just "." to quit.

? a,b = c.

The proof  : (a , b) = c
reduces to : a = c
and proves : a , b
equals     : c

? END.

The proof  : (a , b) = c
reduces to : b = c
and proves : a , b
equals     : c

? END.

No more result
$ rlwrap ./pl-v11 -ag
Welcome to Proof Logic !
Type a proof ended by ".", and type just "." to quit.

? a = b ; a = b.

The proof  : (a = b) ; (a = b)
reduces to : (a = b) ; (a = b)
and proves : b
equals     : b

? END.

The proof  : (a = b) ; (a = b)
reduces to : (a = b) ; (a = b)
and proves : a
equals     : a

? END.

No more result
$ rlwrap ./pl-v11 -aU
Welcome to Proof Logic !
Type a proof ended by ".", and type just "." to quit.

? a = _ ; b = c.

The proof  : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : c

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : c

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : c

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{b}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : c

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : b

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : b

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : b

? END.

The proof  : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
reduces to : (a = _{c}) ; (b = c)
and proves : a
equals     : b

? END.

No more result
$ cat grandparent-v11.prf
# ./pl-v11-linux -a grandparent-v11.prf

& r1 ^x ^y ^z (parent x y (parent y z (grandparent x z)) = [*]).
& a1 (parent Alphonse Barnabe = [*]).
& a2 (parent Alphonse Brigitte = [*]).
& a3 (parent Barnabe Catherine = [*]).
& a4 (parent Brigitte Claude = [*]).
& a5 (parent Brigitte Chloe = [*]).
& a6 (parent Didier Evelyne = [*]).

& axiom (a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | a6).
#& axiom (a1 | a3).

grandparent _ _ ; $(axiom (axiom _) ; r1 _ _ _).
$ ./pl-v11 -a grandparent-v11.prf
# ./pl-v11-linux -a grandparent-v11.prf

& r1 ^x ^y ^z (parent x y (parent y z (grandparent x z)) = [*]).
The proof  : r1
proves     : [[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]]
equals     : [[[[*]]]]

& a1 (parent Alphonse Barnabe = [*]).
The proof  : a1
proves     : parent Alphonse Barnabe
equals     : [*]

& a2 (parent Alphonse Brigitte = [*]).
The proof  : a2
proves     : parent Alphonse Brigitte
equals     : [*]

& a3 (parent Barnabe Catherine = [*]).
The proof  : a3
proves     : parent Barnabe Catherine
equals     : [*]

& a4 (parent Brigitte Claude = [*]).
The proof  : a4
proves     : parent Brigitte Claude
equals     : [*]

& a5 (parent Brigitte Chloe = [*]).
The proof  : a5
proves     : parent Brigitte Chloe
equals     : [*]

& a6 (parent Didier Evelyne = [*]).
The proof  : a6
proves     : parent Didier Evelyne
equals     : [*]

& axiom (a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | a6).
The proof  : axiom
proves     : parent Alphonse Barnabe
equals     : [*]

#& axiom (a1 | a3).

grandparent _ _ ; $(axiom (axiom _) ; r1 _ _ _).
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _}
_{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Catherine}}
The proof  : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Catherine}} ; $(axiom (axiom _{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Catherine}}) ; r1 _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _{Catherine})
proves     : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Catherine}}
equals     : [*]

_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Barnabe} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Brigitte} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Brigitte} _}
_{[[[parent ''* '* (parent '* * (grandparent ''* *))]]] _{Alphonse} _{Brigitte} _}
_{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Claude}}
The proof  : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Claude}} ; $(axiom (axiom _{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Claude}}) ; r1 _{Alphonse} _{Brigitte} _{Claude})
proves     : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Claude}}
equals     : [*]

_{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Chloe}}
The proof  : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Chloe}} ; $(axiom (axiom _{grandparent _{Alphonse} _{Chloe}}) ; r1 _{Alphonse} _{Brigitte} _{Chloe})
proves     : grandparent _{_{Alphonse}} _{_{Chloe}}
equals     : [*]