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# Proof Logic
# Proof =
#  - ('SMB', s)
#  - ('ANY')
#  - ('VAR')
#  - ('NXV', x)
#  - ('FNC', x)
#  - ('APL', x, y)
#  - ('GTR', x, y)
#  - ('EQU', x, y)
#  - ('RLR', x, y)
#  - ('RED', x, y)
#  (...)

full_red = False
orig_reduce1 = False

def equal(x, y):
    if x == y: return True
    if not x: return False
    if not y: return False
    if len(x) != len(y): return False
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] != y[i]: return False
    return True

def shift(u, x):
    if equal(x, u):
        return ('NXV', x)
    if (not x):
        return x
    if x[0] == 'SMB': return x
    if x[0] == 'ANY': return x
    if x[0] == 'VAR': return x
    if x[0] == 'FNC': return ('FNC', shift(('NXV', u), x[1]))
    if (len(x) < 3): return (x[0], shift(u, x[1]))
    return (x[0], shift(u, x[1]), shift(u, x[2]))

def subst(u, a, b):
    if equal(u, a): return b
    if (not a): return a
    if a[0] == 'NXV' and equal(a[1], u): return u
    if a[0] == 'SMB' or a[0] == 'VAR' or a[0] == 'ANY': return a
    if a[0] == 'FNC': return ('FNC', subst(('NXV', u), a[1], shift(('VAR',), b)))
    if len(a) < 3: return (a[0], subst(u, a[1], b))
    return (a[0], subst(u, a[1], b), subst(u, a[2], b))

# x contains y ?
def cont(x, y):
    if equal(x, y): return True
    if not x: return False
    if x[0] == 'SMB' or x[0] == 'VAR' or x[0] == 'ANY': return False
    if len(x) < 3: return cont(x[1], y)
    return cont(x[1], y) or cont(x[2], y)

def contsp(x, y):
    if cont(x, y): return True
    if full_red: return False
    if not x: return False
    if not y: return False
    if x[0] != y[0]: return False
    if len(x) < 2:
        x1 = None
        x2 = None
    elif len(x) == 2:
        x1 = x[1]
        x2 = None
        x1 = x[1]
        x2 = x[2]
    if len(y) < 2:
        y1 = None
        y2 = None
    elif len(y) == 2:
        y1 = y[1]
        y2 = None
        y1 = y[1]
        y2 = y[2]
    return contsp(x1, y1) and contsp(x2, y2)

def reduce1(x):
    if not x: return x
    if x[0] == 'SMB': return x
    if x[0] == 'ANY': return x
    if x[0] == 'VAR': return x
    if x[0] == 'APL' and x[1][0] == 'FNC': return subst(('VAR',), x[1][1], x[2])
    if x[0] == 'FNC' and x[1][0] == 'APL' and x[1][2][0] == 'VAR': return x[1][1]
    if len(x) < 3: return (x[0], reduce1(x[1]))
    return (x[0], reduce1(x[1]), reduce1(x[2]))

MAX = 10000

def reduce2(x):
    if not x: return x
    a = []
    n = 0
    y = x
    while True:
        n += 1
        z = reduce1(y)
        if n >= MAX: break
        found = False
        for a1 in a:
            if contsp(z, a1):
                found = True
        if found: return y
        y = z
    return z

def reduce(x):
    return reduce2(x)

def eq(x, y):
    return equal(x, y)

def eqr(x, y):
    return eq(x, y) or eq(x, reduce(y)) or eq(reduce(x), y) or eq(reduce(x), reduce(y))

def sides(x):
    if not x: return (None, None)
    if x[0] == 'SMB' or x[0] == 'ANY' or x[0] == 'VAR': return (x, x)
    if x[0] == 'EQU': return (x[1], x[2])
    if x[0] == 'RED': return sides(reduce(x[1]))
    if x[0] == 'RLR':
        lr = sides(x[1])
        return (reduce(lr[0]), reduce(lr[1]))
    if x[0] == 'GTR':
        lr1 = sides(x[1])
        l1 = lr1[0]
        r1 = lr1[1]
        lr2 = sides(x[2])
        l2 = lr2[0]
        r2 = lr2[1]
        if eqr(l1, l2): return (r1, r2)
        if eqr(r1, l2): return (l1, r2)
        if eqr(l1, r2): return (r1, l2)
        if eqr(r1, r2): return (l1, l2)
        return (x, x)
    lr1 = sides(x[1])
    if len(x) < 3:
        return ((x[0], lr1[0]), (x[0], lr1[1]))
    lr2 = sides(x[2])
    return ((x[0], lr1[0], lr2[0]), (x[0], lr1[1], lr2[1]))

def left(x):
    return sides(x)[0]

def right(x):
    return sides(x)[1]

def abstr(u, v, x):
    if equal(v, x): return u
    if not cont(x, v): return x
    if not x: return x
    if x[0] == 'FNC': return ('FNC', abstr(('NXV', u), v, x[1]))
    if len(x) < 2:
        return (x[0],)
    if len(x) == 2:
        return (x[0], abstr(u, v, x[1]))
    return (x[0], abstr(u, v, x[1]), abstr(u, v, x[2]))

def pllambda(v, x):
    if x[0] == 'APL' and equal(x[2], v) and not cont(x[1], v): return x[1]
    return ('FNC', abstr(('VAR',), v, x))

def string_of_proof(x):
    if x[0] == 'SMB': return x[1]
    if x[0] == 'ANY': return '_'
    if x[0] == 'VAR': return '*'
    if x[0] == 'NXV': return "'" + string_of_proof(x[1])
    if x[0] == 'FNC': return '[' + string_of_proof(x[1]) + ']'
    if x[0] == 'APL': return '(' + string_of_proof(x[1]) + ' ' + string_of_proof(x[2]) + ')'
    if x[0] == 'GTR': return '(' + string_of_proof(x[1]) + ' ; ' + string_of_proof(x[2]) + ')'
    if x[0] == 'EQU': return '(' + string_of_proof(x[1]) + ' = ' + string_of_proof(x[2]) + ')'
    if x[0] == 'RED': return '@' + string_of_proof(x[1])
    if x[0] == 'RLR': return '$' + string_of_proof(x[1])
    if x[0] == 'AXM': return f"AXM{x[1]}"
    return '?'

def deduce(x):
    concl = sides(x)
    print('The proof')
    print('    ' + string_of_proof(x))
    print('    ' + string_of_proof(concl[0]))
    print('    ' + string_of_proof(concl[1]))
    return concl

DI = ('EQU', ('SMB', 'I'), pllambda(('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'a')))
DK = ('EQU', ('SMB', 'K'), pllambda(('SMB', 'a'), pllambda(('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'a'))))
DS = ('EQU', ('SMB', 'S'), pllambda(('SMB', 'a'), pllambda(('SMB', 'b'), pllambda(('SMB', 'c'), ('APL', ('APL', ('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'c')), ('APL', ('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'c')))))))
SKKI = ('GTR', ('APL', ('APL', DS, DK), DK), DI)

ext = ('GTR', ('APL', ('APL', DS, ('APL', DK, ('SMB', 'x'))), ('APL', DK, ('SMB', 'y'))), ('APL', DK, ('APL', ('SMB', 'x'), ('SMB', 'y'))))

def ap(f, x):
    return ('APL', f, x)

def ap2(f, x, y):
    return ap(ap(f, x), y)

def ap3(f, x, y, z):
    return ap(ap(ap(f, x), y), z)

def gtr(x, y):
    return ('GTR', x, y)

def equ(x, y):
    return ('EQU', x, y)

def rlr(x):
    return ('RLR', x)

I = ('FNC', ('VAR',))

x = ('SMB', 'x')
y = ('SMB', 'y')
z = ('SMB', 'z')
parent = ('SMB', 'parent')
grandparent = ('SMB', 'grandparent')
allan = ('SMB', 'allan')
brenda = ('SMB', 'brenda')
charles = ('SMB', 'charles')

gpRule1 = pllambda(x, pllambda(y, pllambda(z, equ(ap(ap2(parent, x, y), ap(ap2(parent, y, z), ap2(grandparent, x, z))), I))))
gpAxiom1 = equ(ap2(parent, allan, brenda), I)
gpAxiom2 = equ(ap2(parent, brenda, charles), I)
gpTheorem1 = rlr(gtr (ap2(grandparent,allan,charles),
                  gtr (ap(gpAxiom2,ap2(grandparent,allan,charles)),
                   gtr (ap(gpAxiom1,ap(ap2(parent,brenda,charles),ap2(grandparent,allan,charles))),


axm1 = ('EQU', ('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'b'))
axm2 = ('EQU', ('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'c'))

ops = ['ANY', 'VAR', 'NXV', 'FNC', 'APL', 'GTR', 'RLR', 'RED']
#smbs = ['a', 'b', 'c']
#axms = [DI, DK, DS]

smbs = ['a', 'b', 'c']
axms = [axm1, axm2]

# def num_op(op):
#     if op in ops: return ops.index(op) + 1
#     return 0

arities = {
    'SMB': 0,
    'ANY': 0,
    'VAR': 0,
    'NXV': 1,
    'FNC': 1,
    'APL': 2,
    'GTR': 2,
    'EQU': 2,
    'RLR': 1,
    'RED': 1,
    'AXM': 0,

def dict_of_proof_1(x, dict, start, step):
    if x[0] == 'SMB':
        if x[1] in smbs:
            dict[start] = 1 + len(ops) + smbs.index(x[1])
            dict[start] = 0
    elif x[0] == 'AXM':
        dict[start] = 1 + len(ops) + len(smbs) + x[1]
    elif x[0] in ops:
        dict[start] = 1 + ops.index(x[0])
        dict[start] = 0
    if arities[x[0]] > 0:
        dict_of_proof_1(x[1], dict, start+step, step*2)
    if arities[x[0]] > 1:
        dict_of_proof_1(x[2], dict, start+2*step, step*2)

def dict_of_proof(x):
    dict = {}
    dict_of_proof_1(x, dict, 0, 1)
    return dict

def proof_of_dict_1(dict, start, step):
    numop = dict[start]
    if numop == 0 or numop >= 1+len(ops)+len(smbs)+len(axms):
        return None
    if numop >= 1+len(ops)+len(smbs):
        # return ('AXM', numop-1-len(ops)-len(smbs)
        return axms[numop-1-len(ops)-len(smbs)]
    if numop >= 1+len(ops):
        return ('SMB', smbs[numop-1-len(ops)])
    op = ops[numop-1]
    if arities[op] < 1:
        return (op,)
    y = proof_of_dict_1(dict, start+step, step*2)
    if arities[op] < 2:
        return (op, y)
    z = proof_of_dict_1(dict, start+2*step, step*2)
    return (op, y, z)

def proof_of_dict(dict):
    return proof_of_dict_1(dict, 0, 1)


import random


def random_proof():
    opnum = random.randrange(len(ops)+len(smbs)+len(axms))
    if opnum >= len(ops)+len(smbs):
        return ('AXM', opnum-len(ops)-len(smbs))
    if opnum >= len(ops):
        return ('SMB', smbs[opnum-len(ops)])
    op = ops[opnum]
    if arities[op] < 1:
        return (op,)
    y = random_proof()
    if arities[op] < 2:
        return (op, y)
    z = random_proof()
    return (op, y, z)

def subst_axm(x):
    op = x[0]
    if op == 'AXM':
        return axms[x[1]]
    if op == 'SMB':
        return x
    if arities[op] < 1:
        return (op,)
    y = subst_axm(x[1])
    if arities[op] < 2:
        return (op, y)
    z = subst_axm(x[2])
    return (op, y, z)

def prove(a, b):
  #print("Random proofs:")
  for i in range(100000):
    x = random_proof()
    y = subst_axm(x)
    concl = sides(y)
    if equal(concl[0], a) and equal(concl[1], b):

a = ('SMB', 'a')
b = ('SMB', 'b')
c = ('SMB', 'c')

prove(('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'a'))
prove(('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'b'))
prove(('SMB', 'c'), ('SMB', 'c'))
prove(('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'b'))
prove(('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'a'))
prove(('SMB', 'b'), ('SMB', 'c'))
prove(('SMB', 'c'), ('SMB', 'b'))
prove(('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'c'))
prove(('SMB', 'c'), ('SMB', 'a'))
#prove(('APL', ('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'b')), ('APL', ('SMB', 'a'), ('SMB', 'c')))

prove(ap(a, b), ap(a, c))
prove(ap(a, c), ap(c, a))
prove(ap(b, a), ap(b, c))
prove(ap(b, c), ap(b, a))

def dict_of_list(l):
    dict = {}
    for i in range(len(l)):
        dict[i] = l[i]
    return dict

def list_of_dict(dict):
    m = max(dict.keys())
    l = [0 for i in range(m+1)]
    for i, x in dict.items():
        l[i] = x
    return l

def proofs_of_size(n):
    proofs = []
    for op in ops:
        if arities[op] == 0:
    for s in smbs:
        proofs.append(('SMB', s))
    for i in range(len(axms)):
        proofs.append(('AXM', i))
    if n > 0:
        proofs1 = proofs_of_size(n-1)
        for x in proofs1:
            for op in ops:
                if arities[op] == 1:
                    proofs.append((op, x))
            for y in proofs1:
                for op in ops:
                    if arities[op] == 2:
                        proofs.append((op, x, y))
    return proofs

for x in proofs_of_size(1):

def f2(p2, y):
    f = p2[0]
    p = p2[1]
    x = p2[2]
    for op in ops:
        if arities[op] == 2:
            f(p, (op, x, y))

def f1(p1, x):
    f = p1[0]
    p = p1[1]
    n = p1[2]
    for op in ops:
        if arities[op] == 1:
            f(p, (op, x))
    treat_proofs_of_size(n, f2, (f, p, x))

def treat_proofs_of_size(n, f, p):
    for op in ops:
        if arities[op] == 0:
            f(p, (op,))
    for s in smbs:
        f(p, ('SMB', s))
    for i in range(len(axms)):
        f(p, ('AXM', i))
    if n > 0:
        treat_proofs_of_size(n-1, f1, (f, p, n-1))

def f(p, x):

treat_proofs_of_size(0, f, 0)

l = []
def fa(p, x):

treat_proofs_of_size(1, fa, 0)

for x in l: