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NB. Initialization : 
NB.  makebrain layers; 0 
NB. Make brain from flat parameters array P : 
NB.  makebrain layers; 1; P
NB. where layers is the array of numbers of neurons per layer
NB. gives W ; B ; nl ; P
NB. where :
NB.  W is the matrix of connection weights
NB.  B is the vector of biases
NB.  nl is the number of layers
NB.  P is the vector of parameters (non zero elements of W and B)
makebrain =: 3 : 0
 layers =. > 0 { y          NB. Number of neurons of layers
 init =. > 1 { y            NB. 1 if initialization asked, 0 to use given parameters array
 nl =. # layers             NB. Number of layers
 nn =. +/ layers            NB. Number of neurons
 ln =. layers # i. nl 
 maskW =. ln =/ 1 + ln      NB. Mask of weights matrix 
 maskB =. ln > 0            NB. Mask of biases vector
 npW =. +/ +/ maskW         NB. Number of parameters of weights matrix
 npB =. +/ maskB            NB. Number of parameters of biases matrix
 np =. npW + npB            NB. Total number of parameters
 if. init do.          
  P =. normalrand np        NB. Initialize parameters array randomly
  P =. > 2 { y              NB. Get given parameters array
 PW =. (i. npW) { P         NB. Parameters for weight matrix
 PB =. (npW + i. npB) { P   NB. Parameters for biases matrix
 W =. (nn,nn) $ ((,maskW) * +/\ ,maskW) { 0, PW  NB. Distribute parameters of PW in W according to maskW
 B =. (maskB * +/\ maskB) { 0, PB                NB. Distribute parameters of PB in B according to maskB
 W ; B ; nl ; P

NB. Compute the loss for a given parameters array P
NB. (layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss P
NB. Result : the computed loss
computeloss =: 4 : 0 "_ 1
 layers =. > 0 { x
 inputs =. > 1 { x
 outputs =. > 2 { x
 P =. y
 no =. # outputs
 nn =. +/ layers
 nX =. 1 { $ inputs   NB. Number of inputs
 brain =. makebrain layers; 0; P
 result =. brain apply inputs
 out =. ((no $ nn-no) + i. no) { > 1 { result 
 err =. out - outputs
 loss =. (+/ +/ *: err) % 2 * nX

p =: 10
inputs =: (? (8,3) $ p) % p
outputs =: (? (5,3) $ p) % p

ni =: # inputs
no =: # outputs
layers =: ni, 4 4 4, no
nn =: +/ layers

brain =: makebrain layers; 1
P =: > 3 { brain
result =: brain apply inputs
out =: ((no $ nn-no) + i. no) { > 1 { result 
err1 =: out - outputs
echo err1
echo 'Loss = ', ": +/ +/ *: err1

brain =: makebrain layers; 0; P
result =: brain apply inputs
out =: ((no $ nn-no) + i. no) { > 1 { result 
err2 =: out - outputs
echo err2-err1

loss =: (layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss P
echo 'Loss = ', ": loss

eps =: 0.0001
nP =: # P
Pplus =: |: P + eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
Pminus =: |: P - eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
NB. gradient =: (1%2*eps) * ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pplus) - ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pminus)
gradient =. (1%2*eps) * ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pplus) - ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pminus)
echo gradient

NB. Gradient descent
NB. descent learning P
NB. learning : learning parameters
NB. P : brain flat parameters array
NB. Result : optimized flat parameters array
descent =: 3 : 0
 learning =. > 0 { y
 P =. > 1 { y
 inputs     =. LearningInputs learning
 outputs    =. LearningOutputs learning
 nnl        =. LearningLayers learning   NB. Number of neurons of intermediate layers
 alpha      =. LearningRate learning     NB. Learning rate
 nls        =. LearningSteps learning    NB. Learning steps
 targetloss =. (LearningError learning) % 2 * 1 { $ inputs
 de         =. (LearningVariation learning) % 2 * 1 { $ inputs

 layers =. (# inputs), nnl, (# outputs)  NB. number of neurons of all layers

 nP =. # P                               NB. Number of brain parameters
 eps =. 0.0001
 step =. 0
 NB. while. loss > targetloss do.
 for. i. nls do.
  step =. step + 1
  loss1 =. loss
  loss =. (layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss P
  echo 'Step ', (": step), ' : loss = ', ": loss
  if. (loss < targetloss) +. de > | loss - loss1 do. break. end.
  Pplus =. |: P + eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
  Pminus =. |: P - eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
  gradient =. (1%2*eps) * ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pplus) - ((layers; inputs; outputs) computeloss Pminus)
  P =. P - alpha * gradient

NB. learn learning
NB. learning : learning parameters
NB. Result : brain = W ; B ; nl ; P
learn =: 3 : 0
 learning =: y

 inputs  =. LearningInputs y
 outputs =. LearningOutputs y
 nnl     =. LearningLayers y         NB. Numbers of neurons in the intermediate layers
 NB. alpha   =. LearningRate y       NB. Learning rate
 NB. nls     =. LearningSteps y      NB. Number of learning steps
 NB. er      =. LearningError y      NB. Maximum error allowed
 NB. de      =. LearningVariation y  NB. Stop learning when variation of error less than it
 ni =. # inputs         NB. Number of inputs
 no =. # outputs        NB. Number of outputs
 nil =. # nnl           NB. Number of intermediate layers
 nl =. nil + 2          NB. Total number of layers
 n =. ni + no + +/nnl   NB. Number of neurons
 nX =. 1 { $ inputs     NB. Number of inputs

 layers =. ni, nnl, no  NB. Number of neurons of all layers

 brain =: makebrain layers; 1   NB. Initialize brain 
 P =: > 3 { brain               NB. Get flat parameters array
 P =. descent learning; P       NB. Gradient descent
 brain =. makebrain layers; 0; P

NB. Test with random inputs and expected outputs
testrandom =: 3 : 0

 p =: 10
 nl =: 5        NB. Number of layers
 inputs =: (? (8,3) $ p) % p
 outputs =: (? (5,3) $ p) % p
 NB. brain =: learn inputs ; outputs ; ((nl-2) # 4) ; 16 ; 3000 ; 0.001 ; 0.000001
 learning =: DefaultLearning
 learning =: learning LearningInputs inputs
 learning =: learning LearningOutputs outputs
 learning =: learning LearningLayers ((nl-2) # 4)
 learning =: learning LearningRate 16
 learning =: learning LearningSteps 3000 
 learning =: learning LearningError 0.001 
 learning =: learning LearningVariation 0.0000001
 brain =: learn learning

 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with random inputs and expected outputs :'
 result =: brain apply inputs
 got =: result OutputsGot learning
 echo 'Expected :'
 echo outputs
 echo 'Got :'
 echo got
 echo 'Errors :'
 echo got - outputs

testand =: 3 : 0

 init 0
 0 0 0 gives 0 
 0 1 0 gives 0 
 1 0 0 gives 0 
 1 1 0 gives 1 
 NB. brain =: learn inputs ; outputs ; (3 # 3) ; 16 ; 3000 ; 0.001 ; 0.000001
 learning =: DefaultLearning
 learning =: learning LearningInputs inputs
 learning =: learning LearningOutputs outputs
 learning =: learning LearningLayers (3 # 3)
 learning =: learning LearningRate 16
 learning =: learning LearningSteps 3000 
 learning =: learning LearningError 0.001 
 brain =: learn learning

 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with logical and :'
 result =: brain apply inputs
 got =: result OutputsGot learning
 echo 'Expected :'
 echo outputs
 echo 'Got :'
 echo got
 echo 'Errors :'
 echo got - outputs
 init 0
 0 0 1 gives 0 
 0 1 1 gives 0 
 1 0 1 gives 0 
 1 1 1 gives 0 
 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with logical and : outputs ='
 echo (> 1 { brain apply inputs)
 echo ' '