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NB. Backpropagation
NB. See

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sigma =: 3 : '1 % 1 + ^(-y)'
sigmaprime =: 3 : '(sigma y) * (1 - sigma y)'  NB. derivative

alpha =: 3     NB. Learning rate

NB. brain = W ; B ; nl
NB. W = > 0 { brain
NB. B = > 1 { brain
NB. nl = > 2 { brain

NB. Z ; A = brain apply inputs
apply =: 4 : 0
 brain =. x
 W =. > 0 { brain               NB. Matrix of connection weights
 B =. > 1 { brain               NB. Array of biases
 nl =. > 2 { brain
 inputs =. y
 n =. $ B                       NB. Total number of neurons
 npl =. 0 { $ inputs            NB. Number of neurons of input layer
 nX =. 1 { $ inputs             NB. Number of inputs
 X =. inputs, ((n-npl),nX) $ 0
 maskX =. (npl#1),((n-npl)#0)   NB. Mask of inputs : only the first layer
 A =. X
 for. i. nl-1 do.
  Z =. B + W +/ . * A                     NB. Aggregation : add biases and matrix product of weights by activations
  A =. (maskX * X) + (1-maskX) * sigma Z  NB. Activation : fixed values X for input neurons, sigma applied to aggregation for others
 Z ; A 
DefaultLearning =: (0 0 $ 0) ; (0 0 $ 0) ; (0 # 0) ; 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 0.000001
LearningInputs    =: (3 : '> 0 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 0 } x')
LearningOutputs   =: (3 : '> 1 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 1 } x')
LearningLayers    =: (3 : '> 2 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 2 } x')
LearningRate      =: (3 : '> 3 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 3 } x')
LearningSteps     =: (3 : '> 4 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 4 } x')
LearningError     =: (3 : '> 5 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 5 } x')
LearningVariation =: (3 : '> 6 { y') : (4 : '(< y) 6 } x')

NB. brain = learn inputs ; outputs ; nnl ; alpha ; ns ; er ; de
learn =: 3 : 0

 inputs  =. LearningInputs y
 outputs =. LearningOutputs y
 nnl     =. LearningLayers y     NB. Numbers of neurons in the intermediate layers
 alpha   =. LearningRate y       NB. Learning rate
 nls     =. LearningSteps y      NB. Number of learning steps
 er      =. LearningError y      NB. Maximum error allowed
 de      =. LearningVariation y  NB. Stop learning when variation of error less than it

 ni =. # inputs
 no =. # outputs
 nil =. # nnl
 nl =. nil + 2
 n =. ni + no + +/nnl
 nX =. 1 { $ inputs   NB. Number of inputs

 NB. Masks with 1 for non-zero values
 ln =. (ni # 0) , (nnl # 1 + i. nil) , (no # nil+1)
 maskW =. ln =/ 1 + ln
 maskB =. (ni#0),(n-ni)#1
 maskX =. (ni#1),(n-ni)#0
 maskO =. ((n-no)#0),no#1

 while. 0=0 do.  NB. Loop while error is too big

  W =. maskW * (n,n) $ normalrand n^2  NB. Matrix of connection weights
                                       NB. Element at i-th line and j-th column = weight of connection from neuron j to neuron i 
  B =. maskB * normalrand n            NB. biases
  X =. inputs, ((n-ni),nX) $ 0
  T =. (((n-no),nX) $ 0), outputs
  s =. 0
  e =. 0
  for. i. nls do.  NB. Repeat learning
   ZA =. (W;B;nl) apply inputs
   Z =. > 0 { ZA
   A =. > 1 { ZA
   Y =. ((no $ n-no) + i. no) { A
   e1 =. e
   e =. +/ +/ *: Y - outputs
   em =. >./ >./ | Y - outputs
   echo 'Step ',(":s),' : total error = ',(":e),' ; largest error = ',(":em)
   NB. echo s, e
   NB. if. 0.000001 > | e - e1 do. break. end.
   if. (e < er) +. de > | e - e1 do. break. end.

   NB. A =. (((n-npl),nX) $ 0), out
   delta =. (n,nX) $ 0
   for. i. nl do.  NB. Repeat backpropagation nl times
    NB. One step of backpropagation
    NB. delta^L_i = sigma'(z^l_i) * (A - T)
    NB. delta^l_i = sigma'(z^l_i) * sum_j(w^{l+1}_{ji} delta^{l+1}_j
    delta =. (sigmaprime Z) * (maskO * A - T) + (|: W) +/ . * delta
   avgdelta =. (+/ |: delta) % nX  NB. Average delta
   NB. Average gradient of weights for nX inputs
   NB. dC/dw^l_{ij} = a^{l-1}_j delta^l_i
   GW =. maskW * delta +/ . * |: A % nX 
   NB. Average gradient of biases for nX inputs
   NB. dC/db_i = delta^l_i
   GB =. maskB * avgdelta
   NB. Modifiy weights and biases
   W =. W - alpha * GW
   B =. B - alpha * GB
   s =. s+1

   NB. Stop if error is small enough
   NB. if. e < 0.01 do. 
   NB.  echo 'Stop at step',":i
   NB.  break. 
   NB. end.  
  echo ' '
  NB. echo nl, alpha, e
  echo 'Final total error = ',(":e),' ; largest error = ',(":em)
  NB. if. e < 0.001 do. break. end.  NB. Stop if error is small enough
  if. e < er do. break. end.  NB. Stop if error is small enough


 W ; B ; nl

NB. OuptutsGot result ; learning
OutputsGot =: 4 : 0
 result =. x
 learning =. y
 A =. > 1 { result
 outputs =. LearningOutputs learning
 n =. # A
 no =. # outputs
 got =. ((no $ n-no) + i. no) { A

NB. Test with random inputs and expected outputs
testrandom =: 3 : 0

 p =: 10
 nl =: 5        NB. Number of layers
 inputs =: (? (8,3) $ p) % p
 outputs =: (? (5,3) $ p) % p
 NB. brain =: learn inputs ; outputs ; ((nl-2) # 4) ; 16 ; 3000 ; 0.001 ; 0.000001
 learning =: DefaultLearning
 learning =: learning LearningInputs inputs
 learning =: learning LearningOutputs outputs
 learning =: learning LearningLayers ((nl-2) # 4)
 learning =: learning LearningRate 16 
 learning =: learning LearningSteps 3000 
 learning =: learning LearningError 0.001 
 brain =: learn learning

 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with random inputs and expected outputs :'
 result =: brain apply inputs
 got =: result OutputsGot learning
 echo 'Expected :'
 echo outputs
 echo 'Got :'
 echo got
 echo 'Errors :'
 echo got - outputs

NB. initialisation of inputs and expected outputs

init =: 3 : 0
 inputs =: 0 0 $ 0
 outputs =: 0 0 $ 0

gives =: 4 : 0
 inputs =: |: (|: inputs) , (1,$x) $ x
 outputs =: |: (|: outputs) , (1,$y) $ y

NB. Test with logical and
NB. a b c -> d d d where d = a and b
NB. c is not significant
NB. learn with c = 0
NB. test with c = 1

testand =: 3 : 0

 init 0
 0 0 0 gives 0 
 0 1 0 gives 0 
 1 0 0 gives 0 
 1 1 0 gives 1 
 NB. brain =: learn inputs ; outputs ; (3 # 3) ; 16 ; 3000 ; 0.001 ; 0.000001
 learning =: DefaultLearning
 learning =: learning LearningInputs inputs
 learning =: learning LearningOutputs outputs
 learning =: learning LearningLayers (3 # 3)
 learning =: learning LearningRate 16 
 learning =: learning LearningSteps 3000 
 learning =: learning LearningError 0.001 
 brain =: learn learning

 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with logical and :'
 result =: brain apply inputs
 got =: result OutputsGot learning
 echo 'Expected :'
 echo outputs
 echo 'Got :'
 echo got
 echo 'Errors :'
 echo got - outputs
 init 0
 0 0 1 gives 0 
 0 1 1 gives 0 
 1 0 1 gives 0 
 1 1 1 gives 0 
 echo ' '
 echo 'Test with logical and : outputs ='
 echo (> 1 { brain apply inputs)
 echo ' '