View file src/neur/backprop.ijs - Download

NB. Backpropagation
NB. See

load 'stats'
sigma =: 3 : '1 % 1 + ^(-y)'
sigmaprime =: 3 : '(sigma y) * (1 - sigma y)'  NB. derivative

nl =: 5        NB. Number of layers
npl =: 6       NB. Number of neurons per layer
n =: nl * npl  NB. Total number of neurons
p =: 10     
alpha =: 3     NB. Learning rate
nX =: 3        NB. Number of inputs

NB. Masks with 1 for non-zero values
maskW =: (<. (i. n) % npl) =/ (1 + <. (i. n) % npl)  NB. Mask of connections : each neuron is connected only to the neurons of next layer
maskB =: (npl#0),(((nl-1)*npl)#1)                    NB. Mask of biases : no biases for input neurons
maskX =: (npl#1),(((nl-1)*npl)#0)                    NB. Mask of inputs : only the first layer
maskO =: (((nl-1)*npl)#0),(npl#1)                    NB. Mask of outputs : only the last layer

W =: maskW * (n,n) $ normalrand n^2  NB. Matrix of connection weights
                                     NB. Element at i-th line and j-th column = weight of connection from neuron j to neuron i 
B =: maskB * normalrand n            NB. biases
X =: maskX * (? (n,nX) $ p) % p      NB. Inputs, i-th column = vector representing the i-th input
T =: maskO * (? (n,nX) $ p) % p      NB. Expected outputs

step =: 3 : 0
 Z =: B + W +/ . * A                     NB. Aggregation : add biases and matrix product of weights by activations
 A =: (maskX * X) + (1-maskX) * sigma Z  NB. Activation : fixed values X for input neurons, sigma applied to aggregation for others

NB. One step of backpropagation
NB. delta^L_i = A - T
NB. delta^l_i = sigma'(z^l_i) * sum_j(w^{l+1}_{ji} delta^{l+1}_j
stepdelta =: 3 : 0
 NB. delta =: (maskO * A - T) + (sigmaprime Z) * (|: W) +/ . * delta
 delta =: (sigmaprime Z) * (maskO * A - T) + (|: W) +/ . * delta

NB. Step of learning
steplearn =: 3 : 0
 A =: X            NB. Initialize activation with input
 (step^:(nl-1)) 0  NB. Repeat aggregation and activation nl-1 times
 NB. delta^l_i = sigma'(z^l_i) * sum_j(w^{l+1}_{ji} delta^{l+1}_j)
 delta =: (n,nX) $ 0
 (stepdelta^:nl) 0  NB. repeat backpropagation nl times
 avgdelta =: (+/ |: delta) % nX  NB. Average delta
 NB. Average gradient of weights for nX inputs
 NB. dC/dw^l_{ij} = a^{l-1}_j delta^l_i
 GW =: maskW * delta +/ . * |: A % nX 
 NB. Average gradient of biases for nX inputs
 NB. dC/db_i = delta^l_i
 GB =: maskB * avgdelta
 NB. Modifiy weights and biases
 W =: W - alpha * GW
 B =: B - alpha * GB

NB. Repeat learning 
(steplearn^:10000) 0

NB. Difference between computed and expected outputs
NB. echo maskO * A - T
echo 'T :'
echo (((nl-1)*npl) + i. npl) { T
echo 'A :'
echo (((nl-1)*npl) + i. npl) { A 
echo 'A - T :'
echo (((nl-1)*npl) + i. npl) { A - T