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Neural networks are universal function approximators

According to the universal approximation theorem, a neural network can approximate any function provided that its weights and biases are correctly chosen. The function approximation can be represented by a point in a multidimensional space, each parameter (weight or bias) of the neural network corresponding to one dimension. Finding the best approximation for a given function can be done by gradient descent, like you can find the lowest point of a terrain by always going down.

!apt-get -y install ghostscript

!tar xvfz j9.4_linux64.tar.gz

!(echo "load 'pacman'"; echo "'install' jpkg '*'") | j9.4/

# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
# %%writefile nnufa.ijs
# NB. Neural network universal function approximator
# load 'plot'
# X =: 0.1 * _40 + i. 81  NB. Input values from _4 to 4 with step 0.1
# f =: 3 : '(0.5*y^3) + (y^2) + (_5*y) + 6'  NB. Function to approximate
# N =: 10                       NB. Number of intermediate neurons
# NB. Initial random values
# b =: 0.1 * _100 + ? N # 200   NB. Biases
# w1 =: 0.1 * _100 + ? N # 200  NB. Input weights
# w2 =: 0.1 * _100 + ? N # 200  NB. Output weights
# g =: (3 : '+/ w2 * 0 >. (w1 * y) + b')"0  NB. Neural approximation
# loss =: +/ *: (g X) - (f X)
# NB. Compute loss
# NB. loss =: computeloss b, w1, w2
# computeloss =: 3 : 0"_ 1
#  b =. (i. N) { y
#  w1 =. (N + i. N) { y
#  w2 =. ((2*N) + i. N) { y
#  t =. f X
#  p =. +/ w2 * 0 >. (w1 */ X) + b
#  loss =. +/ *: p - t
#  loss
# )
# eps =: 0.0001
# NB. Gradient descent
# descent =: 3 : 0
#  P =. b, w1, w2
#  nP =. # P
#  loss =. computeloss P
#  step =. 0
#  for. i. 10000 do.
#   step =. step + 1
#   loss1 =. loss
#   loss =. computeloss P
#   Pplus =: |: P + eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
#   Pminus =: |: P - eps * (i. nP) =/ i. nP
#   gradient =: (1%2*eps) * (computeloss Pplus) - (computeloss Pminus)
#   if. 0 = 100 | step do.
#    echo 'Step ', (": step), ' : loss = ', (": loss)
#   end.
#   P =. P - 0.00001 * gradient
#  end.
#  P
# )
# P =: descent 0
# b =: (i. N) { P
# w1 =: (N + i. N) { P
# w2 =: ((2*N) + i. N) { P
# NB. plot X ; (f X) ,: (g X)
# pd 'reset'
# pd 'type line'
# pd X ; (f X) ,: (g X)
# pd 'eps'

!j9.4/ < nnufa.ijs

!ls /tmp/plot.eps

!gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=nnufa.png /tmp/plot.eps

from IPython.display import Image

"""The neural network provides an approximation (the red line) of the original function (the blue line).
